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Body Contouring Procedures

Remove Excess Tissue to Improve Contours

Body plastic surgery procedures such as Liposuction, Tummy Tuck and Arm Lift are performed to remove sagging skin and excess fat while improving the contours of the body.

Aging, pregnancies, weight loss and genetics can all contribute to stubborn fat deposits and skin that begins to sag. Having a good diet and getting plenty of exercise is a great way to stay physically fit, but sometimes not enough restore your figure to a more youthful shape.

Contouring the body with plastic surgery should not be considered as a means of losing weight. However, bariatric surgery patients who have lost a large amount of weight often choose body contouring to put the finishing touches on their exciting, more sculpted new look.

Body Contouring Options


Liposuction is used to reshape the body by eliminating localized deposits of fat that appear on areas including the abdomen, hips, legs, arms and face.

Tummy Tuck

A Tummy Tuck, or Abdominoplasty, removes excess tissue and tightens the abdominal muscles to achieve a more firm and youthful appearance.

Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift is a popular procedure for patients who are unhappy with the rear's size and shape and desire striking new curves.

Arm Lift

An Arm Lift, or Brachioplasty, lifts and reshapes the upper arms to provide a more toned look for people with arm skin bagginess.

Thigh Lift

A Thigh Lift, performed alone or with a Lower Body Lift, reshapes the thighs and lower body by removing excess tissue from the inner thighs.

Lower Body Lift

Lower Body Lifts, or Belt Lipectomy, are used to reshape the abdomen, thighs, hips and buttocks by reducing areas of excess skin and fat.

Buttock Lift

A Buttock Lift can make an immediate difference in your overall shape with dramatic improvements the contours of the buttocks and outer thighs.

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